Friday, July 1, 2011

Strategies for the Secong Half

Hi All

I shared some strategies for this 2nd half on twitter this morning and want to share same with you. I do hope it would help in all your persona and career development efforts.

It's still a whole 6 months to achieve all that you had in mind in January 2011.

Strategy 1:

Look back, take stock, evaluate all that has happened from Jan- June 2011.
Laugh at your mistakes but take note of the lesson learnt.
Of a good mention are the relationships in your life, take the stock.
Let the good ones stay, put some under consideration, let others GO
Take stock: look at d goals U wrote down or planned for, score yourself. Add humor to your life.
What percentage of your goals is achieved. Be informed

Strategy 2:

Dream and See the beauties of the 2nd half.
Can you see NOW all that you would have achieved by Dec 2011.
If you can SEE it, then you can GET IT.
Add some passion to your dream. Go beyond your comfort zone. You thinking of a million, who says 10 million is not reachable. Expand your mind. Reality can be a plus or minus, it all depends on you.
Don't allow your present situation hinder you from seeing the greater you that can be

Strategy 3:

Plan. He who fails to plan actually is planning to fail. Plan how to use all the resources you have to achieve your dreams.
Your resources can either be tangible or intangible.
Intangible resources include your time, relationships, skills and abilities, your brain.
Tangible resources include money, cars, house etc.
Your intangible resources helps you to use your tangible resources in the best optimum way.

Strategy 4:

Put action to your plans. Just do it. Make your plans come to life. Stop talking about it, start doing it.
You would only be rewarded for the problems you solved and not the ones you created.
Do you know that the success you have been dreaming of can be achieved by putting actions to the plans in your head

You want to follow me on twitter - @daalberto

Thanks for your time.

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